Content & format customization


SKU: custom1 Category:


Select this product to modify an NwETA title you have licensed for your organization.  This Content & format customization provides branding and up to 100 screens of custom training content including pictures and videos (e.g., of your organization) of your selected title.  Change screen colors and format, and add or change videos, text, images (pictures).  The title can become your product that reflects your organization.

We will use our Builder editing software to adapt your format ideas (screen format, screen colors) and content ideas (e.g., an orientation to your company, specific content that reflects your organization requirements), videos  (e.g., a video introduction from your CEO and leaders such as from safety, HR overseeing the area of the training), and pictures (e.g., of your processes, equipment and grounds).

NwETA can also come to your site(s) to take the pictures and videos and interview your team to develop added or alternative content.  Add consultation for that purpose.  Contact NwETA ( or to outline the needs and costs.

The revised title becomes your exclusive title licensed only to your organization.

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